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  • World-class tips and techniques to boost your influence
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Brought to you by the ‘Godfather of Influence’

This is your opportunity to learn from Dr. Cialdini, the ‘Godfather of Influence.’ He’ll give you exclusive access to the latest research, strategies, and techniques in the field of persuasion. And wherever he can, he’ll translate them into Small Bigs: small changes that will bring you big results. This will help you to be happier as a person and more successful as a professional.

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What Influential Business Leaders Say

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett

CEO Berkshire Hathaway

Influence’ is one of the best business books of all time.”


Tim Ferriss

Lifestyle Expert and Bestselling Author

“I would really encourage people to study books like Influence,’ so you get a fundamental set of principles that you can apply online, offline, to different tools, to direct copy, to complex sales in big organizations…”


Tobias Lütke

Founder Shopify

“‘Influence’ is one of the two books that made me a billionaire.”

Gwyneth Paltrow-1-1

Gwyneth Paltrow

Oscar-Winning Actress, CEO goop

“This ‘Influence’ is a classic: it delves into how and why influence works and the specific dynamics at play when leading a company.”

gerry allen 2

Gerry Allen

Former Vice President IBM

“I have always been impressed with his integrity, his honesty, his high ethics standards, the way that he conducts his life and his business.”


Guy Kawasaki

Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist

“Cialdini is the ‘Godfather of Influence.’ His book is the guiding light for how I conduct business – and in many ways how I live my life.”


Joe Polish

Founder Genius Network

The new ‘Influence’ is nothing short of a masterpiece. The writing is both timeless and worth reading immediately.


Tamsin Henderson

Owner Copy Kooks

“I recommend inhaling anything you can get your hands on by Robert Cialdini — books, podcasts, videos. He is the undisputed master of all things persuasion.”


Charlie Munger

Vice Chairman Berkshire Hathaway

“Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking than any other scientist.”

Chris Voss

Chris Voss

Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author

“Anyone who wants their abilities in communication or negotiation to be at their highest level has to read Robert Cialdini's book. Your knowledge base is simply incomplete without it.”

Constance Dierickx 2

Constance Dierickx

The Decision Doctor

“Cialdini is the expert on influence. His research reveals principles that any leader, or any person for that matter, can apply.”

Rory Sutherland-1

Rory Sutherland

Vice Chairman Ogilvy & Mather

“His work, in codifying human behavior, has been priceless.”

Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant

Entrepreneur and Angel Investor

Influence’: classic, classic book. Everybody should read it, memorize it, and understand that the way that people influence other people is consistency, liking, authority, social proof, scarcity, and reciprocity.”

Annie Duke-1

Annie Duke

Professional Poker Champion

“Robert Cialdini is a pioneer in translating complex scientific work into a fun and digestible form that the rest of us can understand and benefit from.”

Barry Ritholtz-1

Barry Ritholtz

Chairman and CIO Ritholtz Wealth Management

“Dr. Robert Cialdini has long been recognized as a leading voice in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation.”

The world’s most-cited social scientist in the area of social influence

Dr. Cialdini is known globally as the foundational expert in the science of influence and its ethical application.

His seven Principles of Persuasion have become a cornerstone for people serious about increasing their influence. The results of his scientific research, his sold-out keynotes, and his bestselling books have earned him a worldwide reputation and the label of ‘Godfather of Influence.’

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Best business book of all time

Ask 100 of the world’s top CEOs and entrepreneurs (including Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, and Jeff Bezos), and the book they most frequently mention is Influence.*

* Research by The Ways to Wealth, January 2022.