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Warren Buffett said it years ago

Guy Kawasaki, Tobias Lütke, and Tim Ferriss confirmed it.

And with Alex Hormozi and Russell Brunson, a new generation of business legends follows in their footsteps…

What ultimate business skill do these legends share and explicitly mention as key to their success?

They all attribute a substantial portion of their success to ethical persuasion, especially when guided by the insights of our founder, Dr. Robert Cialdini, the ‘Godfather of Influence.’

These companies have boosted their results with our programs


Meet Dr. Robert Cialdini

Dr. Cialdini spent his entire career conducting scientific research on what leads people to say YES to requests. 

A small selection of his accomplishments:

  • His seven Principles of Persuasion have become a cornerstone for any organization serious about effectively increasing their influence.
  • His books, including ‘Influence’ and ‘Pre-Suasion,’ have sold more than 10 million copies in 48 languages.
  • He is known globally as the foundational expert in the science of persuasion and how to ethically apply it in business.

Dr. Cialdini is referred to as the ‘Godfather of Influence’ because all others stand on his shoulders. They use his research. They embrace his Small BIGs. He is the originator.

Our story starts with you

Because you know where you want to go.

But you keep struggling to move others in the right direction.

This doesn’t just sap your energy; it slows you down and prevents you from achieving your goals, which could ultimately leave you falling behind. And that’s the last thing you need in this fast-paced world, where performance pressure is immense and competition is fierce.

You can break this status quo with a science-based strategy for the challenges you face: ethical persuasion.

That’s where we come in.


Welcome to the Cialdini Institute

We offer a systematic approach to ethically, efficiently, and effectively persuading people and achieving your business goals.

It’s grounded in cutting-edge science.

It’s proven in practice at leading companies worldwide.

It’s endorsed by Warren Buffett, Guy Kawasaki, Alex Hormozi, and dozens of other top CEOs and business leaders.

And what’s most important to us: it’s entirely ethical.


Seize control now

Master ethical persuasion at its highest level, guided by the insights of Dr. Robert Cialdini and his team of world-renowned persuasion experts.

We teach, train, and coach you in ethically applying the science of persuasion, driving your business to new heights.

We get you there.

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How We Get You There

  • Engaging keynotes
  • On-demand e-learning
  • Application workshops
  • In-depth teaching and coaching sessions
  • Internal trainer certification programs

Four Pillars of Persuasive Success

1. Science
All of our work is grounded in science.

2. Ethics
Ethics are crucial not only because they help you do the right thing, but also because an unethical approach will eventually backfire, as Dr. Cialdini’s research clearly shows.

3. Application
Once you grasp the science and embrace the ethics, you can unlock the power of successful application by adopting our approach.

4. Efficiency
In this fast-paced, result-driven world, efficiency is what you need. That’s why we don’t just put you to work. Based on your business challenges, we equip you with our Small BIGs: small changes delivering BIG results.

Meet Your Persuasion Experts

CMCT - Cialdini Method Certified Trainer
CPT - Cialdini Pre-Suasion Trainer
CEC - Cialdini Executive Coach
Dr. Robert Cialdini - Circle

Dr. Robert Cialdini

Bas Wouters - Circle

Bas Wouters,


Dr. Gregory Neidert - Circle

Dr. Gregory Neidert

Dr. Christopher Phelps - Circle

Dr. Christopher Phelps


Brian Ahearn - Circle

Brian Ahearn


Adrian Chong - Circle

Adrian Chong


Anniken Fjellberg - Circle

Anniken Fjelberg


Dr. Hoh Kim - Circle

Dr. Hoh Kim


Dan Norris - Circle

Dan Norris


Tommy Schaff - Circle

Tommy Schaff


Ed Tate - Circle

Ed Tate

The 7 Principles of Persuasion

Science shows we make 95% of our decisions irrationally, based on universal rules of thumb, especially in our increasingly overloaded lives. Dr. Cialdini’s research has identified 7 of these rules: the Principles of Persuasion. 

People say YES to you if they owe you.

People say YES to you – and want to do business with you – if they like you.

  Social proof
People say YES to your request if you show them that many others like them have been or are saying yes to it.

People say YES to you if you show them that you’re an authority on the topic, or that established authorities agree with you.

People say YES to you if you can show them that what you’re offering is scarce, rare, or dwindling in availability.

People say YES to your request if you show them how it’s consistent with what they’ve already said or done, especially in public.

People say YES to you if you can arrange for them to see you as sharing goals, values, or identities.

I have been using this in class at Stanford for over 25 years, and I have had dozens of students say to me years later "I don't remember much else about your class, but I still use and think about that Cialdini book.
Bob Sutton

Bob Sutton

Stanford University

The Cialdini Code of Ethics

The Principles of Persuasion are very powerful. Since their unethical use harms all involved, it’s extremely important to use them ethically. Therefore, as an educational institute, we have established the following Code of Ethics.

  • Be truthful

  • Forgo manipulation of others

  • Forgo manipulation of facts

  • Use the principle(s) that already exist naturally in your situation.

  • Use the principle that demonstrates what is wise for all concerned

  • Refrain from using any Principle in a way that could injure your relationship.

  • Inform (that is, educate) people into agreement

  • Ensure any “contrast” used is relevant to the situation

  • Own up to any mistake ASAP. And remember the “but”.

Now it’s up to you

Do you return to your overloaded schedule? Or do you take the next step and schedule a call with us? It’s entirely up to you, of course. But, if this is the moment, it's time to seize it.